👉I am not a drama queen, but I used to be surrounded by drama. Life has been tough in regards to "drama".
I'm not saying I'm perfect now or that life is perfect, but I AM saying I'm sure happier NOT being surrounded by drama. 🤗
☹ Drama is what you make of it right?
Like if you cultivate and surround yourself with drama, then drama abounds. It's what you call in to your life. 😞
🤔I noticed that the more I reacted to and got sucked in to drama....the more that came into my life.
💥I didn't realize I was calling it in until I got divorced.
I started on my journey to healing ME!! 🙏
🤐I was first exposed to "The Secret" right after my divorce. (It's a book/movie) HIGHLY recommend you check it out if you are in search of changing your life.
After I was made aware of what I was doing by "calling it in with my thoughts" I changed my thoughts and the drama quit coming into my life. 😎
✔Change your thoughts, change your life!
Now YOU know "The Secret"! 💗