Anneliese Swingle

Nov 21, 2019

Thoughts for Thursday!

Did you know that WE have created cold and flu season? It's on us, there's really no such thing as cold and flu season. We have created an environment for it to exist. It's this time of year (starting right before Halloween) that we start:

1) eating more sugar

2) drinking more alcohol

3) sleeping less

4) experiencing holiday stress

5) drink less water when it gets cold

Put all these things together and we've just weakened our immune system.

So, what can we do to counteract the affects when you start to feel them? Take a look:

*Kick ass immune- is a GREAT immune system booster take it when you FIRST start feeling symptoms

* Sambucus - suck on these lozenges for a slow release of fantastic Elderberry. High in antioxidants and healing properties

*Flu - tone - AMAZING homeopathic that stops symptoms COLD in it's tracks. 30 drops 2X a day in water is just what the doctor ordered.

*Throat spray - full of natural numbing products to soothe a sore throat.

*Winter immunity - 30 drops in water gives your immune system a little extra help in fighting off the uglies

*Elderberry syrup - omg so yum, and so good for the body. Helps soothe the throat and boost your immune system. Shout out to Wild Willow Wellness

*Fire cider - WOW, if you're looking for a tea to kick the crud out of the bod this is it. It revs up your digestive system (where your immune lives) and flush the bugs right down the toilet.

*Oscillococcinum - put one capsule of these sugar pills (that's what they taste like) under your tongue and let them slowly dissolve RIGHT when you feel the symptoms coming on!

