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Woman with hands on her hips in shorts, smiling

I can't wait to work with you!

- Anneliese



My motto has always been "if it is worth doing, it is worth doing right". Exercise is worth doing, not only because of the health benefits, but also because it moves energy. I have been in the fitness arena for 30+ years and have watched exercise evolve right alongside the evolution of me. It has always been an integral part of my life and now I see how my passion for fitness has influenced me to dig deeper into the mind and spirit piece for true transformation.


"I love working with my clients!"


Train your mind, listen to your body, ignite your soul...


- much love Anneliese

Here’s my story for those of you who don’t know it.  Super hard for me to share, but if it can help one person it will be worth it!!  Please share if you know of someone who needs to hear this, or if this person is you, get in touch with me.  I would love to help in any way I can.  Blessings…



Woman smiling leaning against a wall


• Group Exercise Instructor
• ACE Certified Personal Trainer
• ACE Certified Health Coach
• Structural Assessment and Corrective Exercise Specialist

  • ​Holy Fire Reiki Master

  • Theta Healer

  • Metaphysical Astrologer

• BS Degree in Organizational Communication
• Over 30 years fitness experience
• Crafted Parkfit (An outdoor workout in various parks FREE to the community)

Woman flipping a tire


• My favorite color is HOT PINK!

• My vice is peanut butter ice cream.

• I LOVE coffee, but ONLY DECAF. 

• I am from Great Falls, MT baby!

• My favorite activity to do is PICKLEBALL!

• My favorite person is Timothy. 

• I am afraid to go sky diving!

• I have a blended family of 8 amazing kids, and 4 grandbabies!

• Famous quote. "If it was easy everybody would do it!" 

• I love to SING!

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Force Fitness

Meet Sienna!!  She is ONLY 4 weeks into the 90 Day Enlightenment Blueprint and here are her CRAZY results:  11.4 pounds total weight loss, (9 pounds of it was FAT MASS) and 6.75 total inches lost!!  These are her words-


“I know where my focus is for the next 4 weeks and am humbled and ecstatic to see where my results will lead.  Today was a great reminder that even if I fall off the a day, I pick right back up and never give up.  A big thanks to our TRIBE for helping me stay on track.”

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Force Fitness

“Had my final meeting with Anneliese for the 12 week transformation today. I’m so thankful for the support I have received and am happy with my transformation. I lost 15 pounds, nearly 6% of my body fat, and 9 1/2 total inches during the 12 weeks. I learned how to keep my body properly fueled and still meet my weight loss and muscle building goals. My biggest challenge has always been gaining weight back, dropping off with workouts, and keeping a positive outlook, once the support is gone. This, I have signed up for the year course to truly make this a lifestyle change. Thanks everyone in Beautiful you for all your support and cheer leading.”

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Force Fitness

Can I just brag a bit…not for me but for HER! Shanda’s progress photos speak for themselves. But I’ll let you read for yourself:

I initially reached out to Anneliese for help with accountability and a strengthening program. What I received, was so much more…. I found out that My “Why” is 2 fold: 1) IF I’M physically strong, feel loved and mentally tough. 2) Then I am able to give my children and the people close to me what I never knew existed until I grew up; Love without strings attached. I’ve been pushed to the limits positively by sports but also pushed to the limits negatively by manipulation and betrayal. Such huge ups and downs and sometimes I lose my way…. But, I’ve found that when I feel confident, strong and fuel my body with nutrients I am capable of staying positive. Recently I had surgery that ended up “not working” which in turn led to a 2nd surgery. I hate needles, I hate hospitals, I hate not having control of my body while being under anesthesia. But I did it, twice, and Anneliese was there for all of it. This program helped me heal faster and kept my mind on track so that I wouldn’t crawl into bed, pull the covers over my head and simply be defeated….. For me, defeat and failure are things that I simply can’t handle. However, I get so caught up with perfection that I forget to just learn from my mistakes and move on. Balance and Choices…. Are the key. Thank you Anneliese.

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Force Fitness

“I first used Anneliese’s services about 10 years ago to help me get into shape for a hip replacement surgery. I was a competitive swimmer as a kid but did not know how to work out other than swimming. I worked with Anneliese for a couple of months before the surgery. My recovery was fantastic, my surgeon attributed my quick recovery to how good of shape I was in. I had my second hip replacement 3 years ago. The surgery was scheduled very quickly. I was not in good shape and my recovery was not as good as the first. My hip replacements are Birmingham, this type of hip was designed for folks who are athletes and want to keep running. After my second hip replacement Birmingham quit making them for woman, due to issues that were happening in Australia. I started to feel guilty that I had a hip that I could do any physical activity with and was not doing anything. I know there were other woman out there who wanted to keep running but with the current hip replacements they cannot. I decided I need to get into shape andknowing I need a goal I signed up for a Spartan Race. I trained by myself for a couple of months and quickly realized that I did not really know what I was doing. I signed up with Anneliese in January with the goal of being able to compete in the Spartan Race in May. Now that my 12 weeks are up I am very confident in my ability to incorporate cardio with weight training. While training with Anneliese I signed up for her 7 day challenge. That made a huge difference in how I feel. As I have started to add foods back into the clean eating regime, I have found I have a number of food sensitivities. I have lost inches off my “momma tummy”, butt, and thighs. I have also lost 7 pounds and 4 1/2 total body inches. I am feeling better than I have in years. Thank you Anneliese!“

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Force Fitness

“I first used Anneliese’s services about 10 years ago to help me get into shape for a hip replacement surgery. I was a competitive swimmer as a kid but did not know how to work out other than swimming. I worked with Anneliese for a couple of months before the surgery. My recovery was fantastic, my surgeon attributed my quick recovery to how good of shape I was in. I had my second hip replacement 3 years ago. The surgery was scheduled very quickly. I was not in good shape and my recovery was not as good as the first. My hip replacements are Birmingham, this type of hip was designed for folks who are athletes and want to keep running. After my second hip replacement Birmingham quit making them for woman, due to issues that were happening in Australia. I started to feel guilty that I had a hip that I could do any physical activity with and was not doing anything. I know there were other woman out there who wanted to keep running but with the current hip replacements they cannot. I decided I need to get into shape andknowing I need a goal I signed up for a Spartan Race. I trained by myself for a couple of months and quickly realized that I did not really know what I was doing. I signed up with Anneliese in January with the goal of being able to compete in the Spartan Race in May. Now that my 12 weeks are up I am very confident in my ability to incorporate cardio with weight training. While training with Anneliese I signed up for her 7 day challenge. That made a huge difference in how I feel. As I have started to add foods back into the clean eating regime, I have found I have a number of food sensitivities. I have lost inches off my “momma tummy”, butt, and thighs. I have also lost 7 pounds and 4 1/2 total body inches. I am feeling better than I have in years. Thank you Anneliese!“

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