New Moon in Sagittarius ♐
As they say...SEEK and ye shall find! The New Moon in Sagittarius happens at 11:21 MST at 9 degrees on Sunday December 1. Sag is a fire...
New Moon in Sagittarius ♐
Black Friday Special!!
What does Pluto in Aquarius mean?
Black Friday Special!!
You are invited to a HOCATT open house!!
Happy Veterans Day
Today is the last day for 60 for $60!!
Happy New Moon in Scorpio
Body, Mind and Spirit Health and Wellness Fair take aways...
Body, Mind, Spirit Health and Wellness Expo
Full Moon in Aries
🍂60 for $60 is back!
This is 60!
Welcome to Libra Season!
Catch my interview on Professional Podcast Network!
Full moon in Pisces and Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
Got triggers?
Happy New Moon in Virgo
Happy Labor Day!