Anneliese Swingle

Jul 13, 2020

Mindset Monday

Yup! These beauties are from my very own home grown rose bushes. Aren't they just magnificent?? 🌹🌹🌹

🤔What does one do with all these roses one might ask?

Believe it or not, I like to make my own rose water. Rose water is VERY good for skin. It can reduce redness and puffiness. 😳

You can also drink rose water! Check out these amazing benefits:

🌹Soothes sore throats

🌹Helps prevent and treat infections

🌹Contains antioxidants

🌹Heals cuts, scars, and burns

🌹Relieves headaches

Roses possess the HIGHEST vibrational energy of all living things. It's no surprise the water of such amazing things can have so many amazing benefits! 🥰

There's a REASON the saying "stop and smell the roses" exists!

You're welcome!

FORCEFIT20 is on FIRE today! Holy catfish! It's gonna be a TA-GOTCHA kind of day! See you at noon mdt via fb live! You coming? easy peasy to sign up and join in the fun!
