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Anneliese Swingle

Can February already be over?

Yup! So this happened...I became a grandma. Honestly, I never thought it would actually happen--mainly because I always thought grandmas were "old" (sorry--just being honest). But here I am... OLD and I love it!

It truly makes me realize that age is just a number. My little beenie is now 5 weeks old. It goes so fast. I'm glad I was there (Louisiana) to help out my baby boy Austin, his lovely wife Nikki and babes Aiden.

So many blessings, not enough time. We laughed, we cried, we DIDN'T sleep haha and we got a LOT of Netflix time. Thankful for our time together and never want to take it for granted.

Cheers to grandmahood!


And now we get to look forward to MARCH which is just around the corner! Mark your calendars because you DON'T want to miss this! I'll be there with bells on. Won't you come and see me??



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