🌑 Behold the New Moon in Pisces ♓
Tonight is about planting intentions, paying close attention to your dreams and fantasies. These can be foretelling as to what we want to create as well as commit to. Venus enters the picture and brings the focus on relationships, finance and love into it. Sprinkle a little Pluto energy in and we have an opportunity for huge spiritual growth.
This is a great time to heal those wounds, face our fears and integrate ALL parts of our shadow we don't like to see. Saturn in Aquarius asks us to use our imaginations and dream our future into being. Tune into the divine, use your intuition and ask your guides for assistance in what it is you want to create in your life.
Pisces is all about flow, surrender and letting go trusting that the divine has a bigger plan. During this time, take advantage of the beautiful opportunities these amazing energies present.
💫 I like to look at where the new moon appears in MY chart to help me see what's playing out for me personally. It's a great way to see which houses are being lit up. How do I integrate this information? I do CEREMONY!
1) I put on some inspirational music, light a candle and meditate on my intention.
2) I sage myself and ask that all the stickiness fall away from me.
3) I chop up some cacao with some cacao butter, sprinkle in cinnamon, phs and vanilla.
4) I finish with an oracle card draw.
It's ALWAYS a transformative experience. If you're wanting to learn more about astrology or ceremony. I'm happy to help!
🌑 Happy New Moon in Pisces! ♓