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Anneliese Swingle

Good night moon...

This picture really doesn't do it justice. The full moon was SPECTACULAR! 🌚

Moon: represents emotions, comfort, the maternal, vulnerability, mother.

It's duality at it's finest and most perfect form. With light there must be dark so we can discern the difference of it.

If we only experienced the light (sun), 🌞the world would burn up. It's in the dark (moon) 🌛that there is rebirth, renewal, rejuvenation.

🎁If you want to get in touch with your maternal side, take some time with the moon. Be open to what gifts your receive when you ask...

Good night moon!


Forcefit20 is gonna go all out! Let's do some serious core work and some stretching! Who's in? 12:00 mdt via fb live.



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