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Hello Mr. Leo Sun

Here I am in Shreveport, LA grandma sitting little Aiden while his baby sister made her entrance into the world yesterday!

We are entering Leo season and I'm thinking to myself: "How ironic it is that Leo is all about creation, expression, heart, courage and KIDS!" Three of our 4 children are all having KIDS literally 6 weeks apart IN LEO SEASON! You just can't make this up. It's a head shaker for me, because the irony of it all actually shows up in MY chart that this year my abundance marker (Jupiter) is my 5th house of Leo! 🤯

If you're wondering...Sunday August 4th, we welcome in the beautiful energy of the New Moon in Leo.

Leo energy is one of my favorite energies because it's all about creation, expression, action, heart and courage! And since Leo is Fire energy, it only makes sense that the Sun is it's ruling planet.

It's mode of operation is "fixed" meaning detail oriented. If you know any Leo's see if this holds true for them. 😉

Leo energy is BOLD, it's brave and very expressionistic. It wants us to take risks, jump and trust that the net will appear. We are being encouraged to spread our wings and take courageous action toward what we want in spite of our past failures. It reminds us to not get lost in the details and show up as our crazy, weird selves without fear of rejection. The world needs us to step into that spotlight and shine our freak flags!

If you are wanting to start that new project, create that new career, apply for that job, or schedule that trip that scares you, now it the time to harness the energy of the NEW MOON IN LEO to support you!

How can we do this:

  1. Express yourself through writing, art or music

  2. Get serious about those goals and TAKE ACTION

  3. Set your intentions and BURN them

SHARE 1 thing you want to do that requires COURAGE in the comments!!

Thank you Nichole Smith for sharing your baby with Mimi! It takes courage to let that caterpillar crawl up your arm!

Nothing scarier than having KIDS OR working with them right? It takes COURAGE!


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