Did you hear the good news?
It's pretty crazy--but it's time for Force Fitness to GROW and stretch her wings once again!
How do you say? Well, she will be purchasing some new equipment, updating some other items AND the biggy---offering HYBRID classes.
What exactly does a hybrid class look like?
Well---it's about:
1) Packages - now you can purchase a package and use your Hybrid class when you need it.
2) Mind, body, spirit - total health and wellness isn't JUST about the body, it's about the mind and spirit as well. Maybe you need a meditation for the day?
3) Oracles - not in the mood to work out? Draw a Force Fitness Oracle card and ask specifically what your body needs.
I've compiled ALL the services I have to offer and put them into an Oracle deck of cards. You can purchase them for yourself to do at home, buy them as a gift OR come to the studio and we can work on YOU together.
Want more info? Hit me up!
Come and see me at the Healer fair. I'll be showcasing my Force Fitness Oracle cards and giving away a HEALER TOOLKIT!! Come and check it out!!!
See you soon----