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Why don't we listen

to our intuition? It should be fairly simple enough right? We're receiving messages and signs all the time, but why don't we listen?

📖 We are learning...

It's that simple. We are learning how to trust, what we are receiving and act upon it. Why can't we just trust it and act upon it then?

👇🏼 Here are a few reasons I've come up with:

  • we've been programmed to NOT trust our intuition

  • we've forgotten how to connect to our body

  • we've lost our sovereignty

  • we've been persecuted in past lives

  • we've fallen into people pleasing

  • we've got energetic blocks, trauma, self-limiting belief systems and trapped emotions

It's time to RECONNECT and start listening again. The Aquarian age is here! It's time to reclaim our sovereignty and connect to our body. That 'gut instinct' is what I'm talking about, listen to it. It's not what our brain is telling us, it's what our body is telling us.

Here are some ways that work for me. I would LOVE to hear what works for you! Please feel free to share...

  1. Meditate - it's in the stillness, the quiet and the calm that we can receive messages from our body and our higher self.

  2. Get out in nature - walk, run, hike, breathe in the fresh air. Feel the air come into your body, listen to mother nature and the animals, feel the wind on your skin.

  3. ASK - your guides for help and then look for the signs. The answers may come in the form an oracle card draw, a beautiful crystal, a repeating number or even a feather.

  4. Trust - that 'feeling' when you know something is just off- or on- and then act on it. Action affirms that you are trusting your gut, then you'll receive more information regularly.

  5. Journal - writing down dreams, thoughts, feelings are a way of talking to your subconscious mind.

Harness this New Moon in Aquarius energy to reclaim your sovereignty and reconnect to your body--and listen to your intuition!

Thoughts? I would love to hear!!



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