Force Fitness was blessed to host the Vice President of Sales from Orenda! Food, education and fun was had by all who attended.
Doug Sanstedt shared with us all the amazing products Orenda specializes in Chemical detox and warfare!
The testimonials of how Immune and Otropin have changed lives is truly impressive. Samantha shared a little bit about her journey and how the 10 day vegetarian detox made her less reactive to foods that really inflamed her before the detox.
That's the thing, you just don't know how inflamed you really are until you aren't!!
If you want more information on how to sleep better, get rid of inflammation, heal your gut or just plain FEEL better, let me know and I'll share some tips, hints and info that can help you!
Thanks Doug!!
Power Strength today in the Fuel Fitness arena! You coming? 12:10 - 12:50