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Got M.E.D.S.S.?

Anneliese Swingle

I'm SO excited to announce my new 8 week M.E.D.S.S. Course!

👉🏼 This has been in the makings for 2 years! SOOO hard to believe my dream is finally being realized.

Right before the pandemic I had so many requests for workouts people could do on their own time, anywhere, without any equipment, that I just said...SURE, why not...makes sense to me! 💪🏼

So, I quickly got to work having 8 workout videos professionally taped, then BOOM! Enter Covid 19. 🤯

When the world turned upside down my attentions turned elsewhere and the MEDSS course got put on the back burner. I quit teaching group fitness classes at Fuel, and took my classes online. THIS is when Forcefit20 was born. Forcefit20 is all about working out smarter not not longer. To put it simply, it's about getting in an intense workout in 20 - 30 minutes with minimal equipment.

🙏🏼I'm SO appreciative of all my "groupies" believing in me and sticking with me during the growing pains of taking my classes online. I went from teaching classes through FB lives to developing my own app. 😮 This was SUCH a huge accomplishment for someone who is not technologically savvy--but I did it.

👏🏼 Fast forward 2 plus years later---I'm finally taking my MEDSS course off the back burner and putting it on the front burner officially unveiling it to YOU! So, to ALL you amazing fans out there looking for GREAT workouts utilizing no you go! 🥳 AND--I've added some BONUS material creating a totally kick butt all encompassing course that includes not only workouts for your BODY, but also your mind and spirit!

Stay tuned for more excitement coming your way!!!

Love and hugs,




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