Can I just say how completely blessed HELENA was (specifically I was) to have Dr. Shanhong Lu come and stay for 3 days!
Dr. Lu is an Environmental Dr. (formerly an internal medicine doc for 20 years). Her personal story about her Hashimoto's (thyroid disease) is utterly amazing because she healed herself and left her practice to help others dealing with it as well.
She travels the world sharing her story in hopes to educate leaders and completely outlaw the use of Glyphosate (the leading ingredient in Round up).
Glyphosate is a chemical that we are all exposed to in one way or another and can cause hormonal disruption, which in turn can be a contributor to autoimmune diseases, Parkinson's, Thyroid disorders, Non-hodgkins lymphoma, Alzheimers the list goes on and on.
She attended a TRX class I subbed for, and my Spinning class. She walks the walk of health as well as talks the talk. She's a vegan, skate skier, and an amazing mountain biker.
We truly had so much fun and I always learn a TON from her.
She brought her Oligoscan which scans heavy metal and chemical levels as well as shows mineral deficiencies. We scanned 18 people in 2 days! WHEW! She is a work horse.
Thursday night we celebrated with a Plant based potluck and an enlightening presentation about Glyphosate and how it affects ALL of us! You can view the FB live on my personal page.
If you or a loved one wants more info on how you can rid your body of heavy metals and toxins, please reach out!!
Thanks Dr. LU!!!
