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Not your mama's sex talk success!

🍾 Here we are, right before the "Not your mama's sex talk" event last Thursday January 25th. It really was a glorious evening for so many reasons.

  1. It was the 1st live event kickoff for "Inspiritforher" with founder Jackie Passamani and business partner Iva Haas.

  2. It was for me, going out on a limb talking about the feminine wound, sacred sexuality and trauma publicly using MY platform.

Yes---I've been invited to speak at many events, staying in the vein of corrective exercise, foam rolling, etc., but not about this topic. Virago Collaborative was the first to broach the subject and have me as their keynote speaker and WOW, what an honor that was.

It's not an easy topic to talk about. Sexuality and trauma are conversations best not discussed. They are easily swept under the rug. It's safer that way right?


Talking about "it" is actually cathartic and healing. That's why I believe in 'Inspirit's' mission. Education, confidence, self discovery--along with mine--HEALING of MIND< BODY<SPIRIT!!

💗 So, here's the deal--if you're reading this, and I've piqued your interest, then this is a topic you need to hear more about. Luckily, we (Inspirit and Force Fitness) will be doing the same webinar on it February 7th at 3:00pm. Register here to come on live OR catch the replay! I promise you won't regret it!

And if you want to watch our fun little video/highlight of the night, check it out below:



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