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Wednesday workout!

Wanna catch a sweat in 15 minutes?

Give this a try: 4 exercises for 1 minute, rest 1 minute, 3 blocks

(1 minute)

  1. Air squats

  2. Push ups

  3. Toe grabbers

  4. Jumping jacks

  5. 1 minute rest

(1 minute)

  1. Alternating lunges

  2. Dive bombers

  3. Stars

  4. Skaters

  5. 1 minute rest

(1 minute)

  1. Plyo leaps

  2. T-stands

  3. Bicycles

  4. Hindus

  5. 1 minute rest

Let me know how it goes!!


FORCEFIT20 will be doing some Power strength goodies! Fb live at 12:00 mst. You gonna make it? See you soon!



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