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Who am I now?

Welcome to part 4 of my journey!

So here I am working for Blue Cross and Blue Shield as a Health and Wellness Fitness Educator traveling across the state telling people to move more and eat clean all the while I was struggling with my own weight and trying to move more. I was starting to realize I was not in alignment with what I said or believed. I was not able to walk the walk and talk the talk. How could I be an authority on what I preached if I was unable to do it myself?

While I was at a wedding in Mesa, Arizona - far away from work, where I could be still, meditate and really think about my mission as a human being, as a trainer, as an EDUCATOR - it hit me like a ton of bricks....


So I did. I was 6 months away from being fully vested, and I quit! Who does that? Who just takes the leap and hopes the net will appear? Apparently I DO! Remember? The one who takes the road less traveled? The one who does it kicking and screaming? Yep! Me! Sheesh!

It's pretty amazing what can happen when you cut the FLY! I started training full time out of my own home. I was now my own boss. Slowly I built my clientele. Word of mouth is the BEST form of advertising (thank you my dearest clients - you know who you all are).

In fact, I moved into a new house with a stand alone studio RIGHT next to me and started training small groups again, one on one clients and corrective exercises clients. I kept growing and growing until I got to a point I could grow no more.

That's when I took my business ONLINE! I am now able to help others ANYWHERE they live - No schedule restraints, no time restraints, 24/7 not for just 1 hour - I can share my journey, my nutrition plan, my mindset work and of course my WORKOUTS all on an app! It's better than what I could have ever dreamed.

All my life I knew I was destined to help people. I just didn't know how and to what extent it would look like! I'm so glad I cut those cords.

Here's to flying!

If my story spoke to you at all or it resonated with you on some level, please comment below.


3 cheers for Power Strength today at Fuel Fitness 12:10 - 12:50. We had a GREAT turn out last week. You coming this week??



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