Literally the easiest pasta dish I've EVER made and YES....I even made the pasta! I'm so excited, I wanted to share.
A couple of weeks ago I took an online COOKING CLASS! It was so much fun, you have no idea!! Check out my friend: info@operainthekitchen.com If you sign up for a class make sure you mention me. She promises a surprise!
Here's the recipe-
olive oil (like 1/4 c)
1 handful of spinach
6 cherry tomatoes
1/4 c. white wine
2 sausage links
cook it all together
1 1/2 c. semolina flour placed on a big counter space in a big pile
Make a hole in the middle, pour water in and mix it around until it turns into dough
Let rise, then divide into half and make snakes, cut 2 finger width apart and poke 2 fingers down into the segments and drag to make a crevice.
Seriously, might sound difficult, but it's NOT! Try it and take a pic and tag me!
FORCEFIT20 is all about POWER STRENGTH! We're going to use body weight and dumbbells to take our muscles to the next level! We go live every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday on FB at 12:00 mdt. Can't make it? CATCH the replay! WOOT!
Never too late to join! forcefitness.us/forcefit20
