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Zen garden anyone?

Anneliese Swingle

I just gotta give a shout out to my darling daughter, Savannah Shae, for this amazing Zen garden birthday gift. WOW! Does she know me or what?

IF you haven't heard, I've been on quite an awakening journey for the last 6 months. I've been working on ME! Me, being a coach doesn't hold much water if I don't have a coach myself, so I've been working with a consciousness coach these last 6 months to gain clarity, focus and to expand my career. The results? Um...spectacular!

SO, this came at such a beautiful time. It sits right next to my meditation chair. I can play in it, (the cats like it too---grrrr), and can redesign it and focus on finding peace within. I love to take time in the morning to reflect, journal, draw cards, meditate and just be still. Being still is so hard, but it brings so much peace and clarity before I start my day.

Thank you for such a thoughtful gift baby girl!!




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