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Not a big fan...

Here's the back story:

Tim, (husband), was unable to hang out with me on my birthday because he had to work. And, let's be honest--birthdays are really just another day right? My friends were MORE than accomodating and made sure no birthday stone was unturned! I had quite the birthday MONTH--seriously. So, I meant it when I said---NOT A BIG DEAL! But....NOOOOO.....he promised me he would make it up to me if I was just patient.

And that he did!! He surprised me with a trip to Salt Lake City to see John Mayer LIVE! If you know me, you know I like me some Mayer and I love music in general!!! LOVE IT! But here's what you don't know....he got another couple involved with the surprise and they came too! He really pulled out all the stops and made it a completely memorable lifetime memory! WOW! Kudos to Timmy--I wouldn't have changed a thing. It truly was a blast...


I had NOOOO idea what was going on (which of course WAS the surprise) 🙄

I don't LIKE surprises!


Let's face it---it's all about control!

WHEW! I admitted it! I HATE not being in control of my environment! It brings up fear...fear of what? Fear of the unknown!

But that's life right? I mean, do I REALLY know what to expect all the time? No, there's no way I can know everything all the time. So the lesson here is actually about surrender! Can I just tell you---when I let go (and let God--as they say) it was WAY more fun and just EASY!

If this resonates--GREAT! It not, GREAT! Either way I surrender to the outcome! ha!

Surrendering makes life SOOOOO much easier, so here's to surrendering to the surprises of life!

Do YOU like surprises??



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