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Meet Lynette Allen!

Anneliese Swingle

I'm partnering with Lynette Allen, Consciousness Coach, for a 2 week intensive "Know thy body, Know thy "SELF"!

Lynette Allen is a passionate seeker of all things that expand consciousness, awareness and open mindedness.  To that end, life has brought her through years of a vast array of life experiences that has prepared her to fulfill her calling as a teacher and consciousness coach.    Her passion is the healing of the feminine wound within modern women.  Lynette utilizes ancient wisdom traditions to bring insight and clarity to women who work with her.  Lynette assists in Trauma identification, core wound awareness, life purpose, unconscious and harmful behavior patterns brought on by cultural programming.   Consciousness work provides a gateway into Knowing Thyself, facilitating self awareness to the extent that women can live free.  Living a life of freedom from all that covers a women's true essence and deepest power.  

If you are looking for answers as to why you keep repeating patterns of behavior, cannot reach your goals, feel stuck, then this 2 week intensive might be what you're looking for.

When is it: October 5th - October 18th

Where is it: Online via private fb group

Why is it: To KNOW yourself and understand yourself

How much is it: $75

Sign up asap to secure your sacred spot!


Thursday FORCEFIT20 is going ALL in. You ready to go in? 12:00 mdt fb live.



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